Saturday, November 24, 2012

Swimming pool of Cottanello

Soon it is ready - the new swimming pool of Cottanello! Everybody is waiting for the summer season 2013 because then you can jump into the water of the new pool in this lovely village.
We keep you posted about the progress.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Work in the countryside

Even folks like us who grew up in a city, can become real country-lads and -gals! 
Mowing grass...


Birthday parties are always great in Cottanello. Especially because most birthdays celebrate a high age.
Last week it was Andrea, the husband of Liliana, who celebrated his 79th birthday.
Auguri Auguri!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


When we try to throw our garbage away, sometimes there is already a line of cats and dogs waiting in excitement. Usually it's just cats but this time a doggy surprised us (supervised by kitty)...

Sunday walks

Every here and then there are organised walking tour, like here by Carla and Michael Maggs around Montasola. The tours vary between easy and advanced and are always a good way to get in contact with new people, or to see old friends.

Olives Olives Olives!!

November is the month when no Italian in Sabina has time. The harvest of the olives starts, and takes days till weeks. It is much fun gathering together, either by hand or by machines.
So far we helped our dear friend Adele with her 40 trees. Which is just a start because we know people who have 3-400 trees and could use some help, so the work is not over yet.
But we enjoy it very much, and when you fall into bed at night after a long day of olive picking, and you close your eyes - all you see is olives :)

And sometimes you find some interesting friends along the way:
The oil of this region is very good. If you want to book a olive oil tasting tour with Johnny Madge (see here), the best time is during November when there is the harvest and a visit at the Frantoio, the olive press, is included.