After weeks of burocracy, running from one place to the other, collecting a thick pile of papers and documents, and following absurd instructions - I finally became a citizen of Cottanello!!
The steps to get there (if somebody else is interested, it might save some time):
1. Comune (you get a temporarily confirmation that you are applying for the citizenship. For the real one you need to bring a working contract (in Italian), your passport and the health insurance from the ASL)
2. Ufficio di Entrata (You need your passport. That's it. True. You get your Codice Fiscale)
4. ASL (You need copies of your passport, a working contract (in Italian), your Codice Fiscale and a filled out formular. And luck.)
5. Back to the Comune (you think you now have everything needed. Well, wrong. You need a marca di bollo)
6. Tabac shop in the next village Casperia (You can buy the marca di bollo for the residenzia here. It's not available in Cottanello itself)
7. And back to the Comune (You need time. It's not every days business to register a new citizen so it takes lots of papers, stamps and time until you finally hold it in your hand:
You certification that you are able to bear the italian burocracy and deserve to be a Cottanellesa)
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