Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Casa Pace wishes you a happy Easter!
IN Cottanello the procession of Good Friday was a spectacle like every year:
 "Gesu cade la terza volta sotto la croce" - Jesus falls for the third time under the cross. The procession goes through the whole village to remind of the stations of the crucifixion.
 The village is lighted with lots of candles.
Jesus with Pontius Pilatius in front of the church of Cottanello

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Springtime in Cottanello

Had enough from the snow, the rain and the cold weather in Northern Europe?
Come to Italy! Springtime has arrived, everything is green and blossoming, the temperatures are nice and warm. 
The best time to spend some quiet relaxing days in the countryside - at Casa Pace!

And now we have the new pope! You can make a trip to the near Rome and try to catch a glimpse at him, or visit the places in the surrounding, like Assisi or Greccio, which are related to St. Francesco from whom the pope has chosen his name.
Italy is always worth a trip!